Friday, June 1, 2012

Child-led Fun with Water!

We have a lot of impromptu sensory fun led and directed by Gumby; today was a lot of water play.  Gumby asked for water for Bert and Ernie.  Then, she said Bert wanted pink and Ernie wanted purple.  I also gave her this duck that grows in water - it's shown here as big as it grows.  It shrinks back down when dry, then will grow again.  It's fun :)  The duck wanted purple water also.  I threw in some water beads and an eye dropper, just incase ...

The fun continued outside where we have our poor man's swimming pool until we go and get a new pool.  It needed pink and purple water too.  These are currently Gumby's favorite colors!  We threw in some pony beads.  Can you tell in the picture if the float or sink?  If you can't, you should give it a try yourself and find out!

Rubber duckies, Gumby's awfully fond of you!  The dogs and cats (HAHA!) got baths, but I was too busy chuckling and Gumby was nude, so I dont have any action shots of that :P  She also found if she pushed the ducks down really hard that they would sucker themselves to the bottom of the pool.

What impromptu fun things have you thrown together with the kids lately?